One of the new features of WordPress 3.5 that probably has developers most excited about is the addition of Backbone.js and Underscore.js to WordPress core.
I am especially excited to learn how it will be utilized and hopefully extended and built on top of. Adding a MVC (Model, View Controller) framework like this to WordPress is helping the cause to consider it as a true web framework and able to build web applications on top of it.
I’m sure that will make Tom very happy and I’m sure he’s prepping some blog posts to help explain more (perhaps):
On a personal note, it’s pretty crazy timing on this addition to WordPress for me. The current application that I am working on at my full-time gig is using Backbone.js and Underscore.js as well. I have been spending most of my time investing in these open source projects and playing around with things like the creating views and hooking up click events.
I’m sure there’s a lot of other developers out there that have full-time jobs and work on freelance projects that get excited when those things collide. It’s a good feeling to know that the time you spend at work and the time you spend in the freelance world are helping you get better at both.
The time I spent learning WordPress and web best practices helped prepare me for my current position and now it is coming back full circle. It almost feels like I’m cheating…but yet I’m not!
Any other nerds out there excited for these additions to WordPress core?