Jetpack, a behemoth of a WordPress plugin with a number of turn-key features, has released their 2.0.3 update whoops, now it’s 2.0.4 after a slight issue with 2.0.3, boasting updates to Photon, their “image accelerator” as well as compatibility with their infinite scroll feature.
The custom CSS editor also got hit big with some updates improving the editing experience incorporating support for Sass and LESS, which I’m a personal fan of. The complete list of changes can be seen on the changelog.
We’re running Jetpack here on WP Daily with many of the features turned on. We look to incorporate the infinite scroll at some point and we’re testing out Photon as there have been some interesting SEO results that do not appear to be completely in favor of the service – perhaps I’ll write more on that in a blog post later.
Are you using Jetpack? There’s almost no reason not too use it at this point, even if you just use it for the stats package although you might consider it “bloat” if that’s the only thing you’re using it for.