Matt Mullenweg is named one of the Forbes 30 Under 30, an illustrious list dedicated to some of the more compelling and influential young-guns who are shaking things up in their respective industries.
Without question, Matt totally deserves the honor and sits among some very well-known names. Congrats and well done! We’re so glad you were inspired those 9 or so years ago to fork a piece of software and build something game-changing.
via Forbes:
Mullenweg was a 19-year-old freshman at the University of Houston when he launched WordPress, the open source blogging software now used by 17% of all web sites, including
WordPress’ parent company, Automattic (two “Ts” annoyingly intentional), is based in San Francisco, but its 134 employees who work out of 26 countries, communicating almost exclusively via blog posts. “Everyone works from home, on their own schedules – kind of like an open source software project, ” Mullenweg says. Mullenweg brought on venture developer — and venture capitalist — Toni Schneider as CEO seven years ago so he could continue to concentrate on the product.
Only 1% of users pay for “power” features like video and spam filtering, but it’s enough to add up to $45 million in projected 2012 revenues.