Anyone that’s done any type of development for clients is familiar with the Lorem Ipsum generators that are out there.
If you’re not familiar, suffice it to say that Lorem Ipsum generators are utilities that designers and developers use to generate place holder text. It’s simply meant to give a look and feel of what the website will look like once the user has populated the text.
One of the more popular applications for doing this is Bacon Ipsum.
Bacon Ipsum – by Pete Nelson – has been around for a quite a while now. It’s a true web application built on WordPress and includes the following features:
- The ability to set how many paragraphs to generate
- Control what type of text is generated
- A jQuery plugin
- Available for Android and iOS
- Even an component application called Bacon Mockup for generating filler images
I dig single purpose, creative utilities like this – especially they are something that we can use for almost every project!
If you’re interested in checking out what’s going on behind the scenes, make sure to checkout the source code on GitHub.
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