We are always fascinated (and at times concerned) with the growth of the theme marketplace at large – it seems that everyone and their brother is coming up with not just one theme but multiple themes and then throwing them into an existing marketplace or starting their own.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it makes sense for many authors to do that which helps streamline their business process and can save them an incredible amount of time and energy, but what I’m saying is that the level of creativity and innovation that surrounds theme marketplaces is a bit stale.
In other words, there isn’t much new under the sun and I see copy-cat marketplaces crop up telling the world that they have the “best” themes and “most talented” authors contributing their “best work” to the site. Sure, sure.
That’s probably why Creative Market first attracted me, for a number of reasons. The first is the more obvious focus on the person – the craftsman behind the work. It’s a very Etsy-like angle and I can appreciate that.
Secondly, since they are promoting the individual first, product second, they are marketing not just WordPress Themes but Tumblr themes, graphics, and more. It’s not just about WordPress and I like that diversification without being too crowded.
It’s tasteful and it seems to be growing which is a great thing and as you can see above, some WordPress theme shops have diversified and are also selling their themes directly via this marketplace as well.
I hope they can continue to grow and provide a bit of innovation and a serving of innovation in this marketplace-world.