Thursday is my favorite day of the week. It means only one more work day and the weekend is just around the corner. It’s also the night of comedy on NBC and I get reminiscent about when The Office was in its prime. It’s also another day of more plugins! New ones at that!
Just a quick house cleaning note before I share the list. If I stumble upon a description that is in gibberish or I can’t understand it, I may get rid of it. I am getting these lists from some RSS feeds that I have set up and if the feed messes up the description or cut it off, please leave a comment and give us the correct one.
I’ll spare you all the suspense, here’s the list (short and sweet):
New Plugins
- ReDi Restaurant Reservation– Easy ReDi Restaurant Reservation plugin allows you to easily manage reservations for your restaurant business.
- AddThis Trending Content– The AddThis Trending Content Widget boost page views by promoting top trending content from your blog or website. Please make sure that you have AddThis.
- Page Skeleton– Page Skeleton is a plugin that will recreate static page structures for large sites.
- zbPlayer – zbPlayer is a small and very easy plugin. It does one thing: capture mp3 links and insert a small flash player instead.
- RealTidbits PushQuote– PushQuote turns your pullquotes into quotes your readers can share on Twitter and Facebook.
- RiverCraft
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