It’s Friday, Friday, got to submit on Friday! Everybody’s looking forward to the plugins, plugins. I will spare your ears and not embed the Rebecca Black Friday music video.
Does anyone have any plans for the weekend? Anyone still crunching some code, trying to get your latest project done? Well it seems like quite a few people are ending this week on a good note!
Here’s the list-o-plugins for today:
New Plugins
- Advanced Custom Fields – Widget Relationship Field add-on– This plugin is an add-on for Advanced Custom Fields. It allows you to use an ACF “relationship” field to choose widgets at a page level.
- Asynchronous Javascript– Improve page load performance by asynchronously loading javascript using head.js
- WCM User Language Switcher– Adds a button to the admin toolbar. This buttons allows users to seamlessly switch between available languages.
- Auto Numbering Post– Automatically put the post number in front of the title of all published posts based on post date.
- bbPress Post Ratings– Offers buttons to up-/downrate posts and calculates user ratings based on their posts.
- bbPress Direct Quotes– Adds a “Quote” link to each post, which inserts its content (inside of a <blockquote>) to the reply textfield.
- bbPress Unread Posts – Displays a read/unread icon next to threads and offers a “Mark all topics as read” button for each forum page.
- GitHub Badge– This plug-in allows you to create and place a GitHub css3 badge to your webpage on wordpress.
- Login rebuilder– This plug-in arranges the login page of a unique name.
- Eazyest Gallery– Eazyest Gallery is an easy gallery management plugin featuring folders, subfolders, comments, slideshows, ftp-upload, and many more features.
- Debuggify | Debug the web– Add capability to capture technical problems faced by users on any post or pages on the WordPress website / blog.
- Speak Pirate– Speak Pirate translates text in a shortcode into the equivalent text spoken as a pirate.
- My News Desk! – myNewsDesk (Its wordpress pluign to get connected to site and embedd press releases in your site)
- Custom 2012 Header– This plugin defines and implements any .png image named `custom-head1000.png` first placed within your Twenty Twelve Child Theme’s `images` folder.
- Social Accounts– Add a new section under Settings for your social accounts. The order and the images can be customized with ease.
- Fluid Responsive Slideshow– Fluid Responsive Slideshow / image slider is a wordpress plugin that enable you to put slideshow easily into post,page, or template.
- WP Catalogue– WP Catalogue – the best way to display your digital product catalogue.
- WooCommerce Payment Discounts– Adds discounts on specific payment methods in WooCommerce
Updated Plugins
- CP Easy Form Builder– CP Easy Form Builder is a contact form plugin that allows creating contact forms and email them.
- CP Contact Form with Paypal– With CP Contact Form with Paypal you can insert a contact form into a WordPress website and connect it to a PayPal payment.
- Subtle Background Patterns– Use the famous Subtle Patterns in all your WordPress Installations! Live Preview included!
- CP Appointment Calendar– CP Appointment Calendar allows you to define “available” time slots that can be booked by the website visitors.
- Appointment Booking Calendar– Appointment Booking Calendar allows you to accept online bookings from a set of available time-slots in a calendar.
- Swift Mailer-The Swift Mailer library and nothing more
- ML Post Slider– ML Post Slider is a widget designed to display your special posts type in any widget area. It use JQuery and Cycle library.
- Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram– Stylish and compact plugin for displaying Instagram images in a sidebar, post, or page.
- Social Gallery Lite– Social Gallery is the Ultimate Social Lightbox Plugin for WordPress. This is the Lite Version.
- Auto Numbering Post– Automatically put the post number in front of the title of all published posts based on post date.
- WpDevTool– A simple tool to develop on WordPress platform…
- qTranslate Cleanup and WPML Import– Allows a complete uninstall and cleanup of qTranslate meta-tags or importing translations into WPML
- TalentLMS WordPress plugin– This plugin integrates Talentlms with WordPress. Promote your TalentLMS content through your WordPress site.
- WPNewsman Lite– Powerful, easy to use, and easy to custom subscription and newsletter plugin
- Filter Post Formats– A simple plugin that will filter out post formats on your home page.
Whoops! I lied about the video. Enjoy!
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