Yesterday I had the chance to connect with a few of the contributors here at WP Daily and meet them at least digitally in our Google Hangout – it was a great time of community, collaboration, and ideation as we came together to discuss how WP Daily has been doing in the last few months as well as visioncast for the future.
We received some incredible feedback and our contributors didn’t hold back – I’m so thankful that we’ve got such a passionate group that are willing to take the time to make this site even better!
I had two hangouts planned, the first at 10:00am EST and the second at 2:30pm EST – unfortunately the internet bombed completely in the entire building in the beginning of the second which barred me from jumping back but Tom McFarlin, our technical editor here at WP Daily, carried the torch – sorry about that!
We had a very loose agenda but I came prepared with a few questions and topics of discussion that I hoped to cover:
- How are you doing?
- What are you opinions of WP Daily so far?
- How can we improve?
- How can we support you, our authors? How can we incentivize you better?
- How can we develop more community?
- Open Floor
The two groups came prepared to share their thoughts, ranging from contribution strategies, to monetization, to even some very creative initiatives that will help promote new products, services, and WordPress professionals. I took copious notes and will likely engage some of our contributors to help implement!
Unfortunately, I was unable to grab some screen caps from the second meeting, but here are a few attendees yesterday from the 10:00am:
Thanks guys for giving your time and your support here – it means the world to us! And we can’t wait to implement some of your great ideas this year!
For those that weren’t able to make it I’d love for you to also answer the posed questions above – love your thoughts!