Hey everyone, Cam here. As of yesterday I am the newest foot soldier for WP Daily.
I’ve already been mocked for my choice of profile photo on SocialCast (who hates on a clone trooper?) so I know this is going to be a great ride. Honestly, it’s nice to not be treated with kid gloves by your new bosses.
It shows me they expect a certain level of quality, execution, and conviction in the work we do. It’s a fast paced culture but I can already tell that the team is tight knit, welcoming, and among other things very entertaining.
I’m viewing this internship as an opportunity to learn from some of the best. I want to know what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and how they react to both success and failure. I’m also hoping to be around for a lot longer than the initial internship because I don’t think 90 days is enough time to even broach the depth of their experience and knowledge.
So What Exactly Do I Do Here?
In short it’s my job to help push the content of this blog to its highest level as well as support the growing community around WP Daily.
We’ll accomplish this by working closely with all of our authors. You’ve come to expect a certain quality from WP Daily and we want to exceed those expectations in the future. I’m honored to be in this position and I will work hard for this community.
Other opportunities I’m hoping to take on are: interviewing WordPress peeps to bring you even more of their knowledge and expertise, live blogging WordPress events, and pursuing product ideas for both 8BIT and WP Daily.
Want to write for us?
Ok, So Who the Heck Am I?
My name is Cam Brennan. I’m 26 and I live in Metro-KC, which prevents me from being a coffee fetcher for the guys in Atlanta on a regular basis. Although I’m sure when I visit they’ll make up for the lost time.
I’m a youth pastor for grades 7-12. I’m a writer by passion and education. I use Standard as my theme of choice because it is the best. I like beer, a lot. If you really want to know more: here or here.