I’m so enamored by iOS that I’ll admit I can get blinders at times with some of the other technologies and implementations, even the ones that are apparently getting more play time than iOS itself.
And some recent stats provided by Pingdom are blowing my mind this morning – for example, it seems that Android is up everywhere and is clearly dominating in nearly every comparison. I knew of this fact because it’s repeated enough in my own back-channel but to see it conclusively is pretty fresh.
Check out this compilation of facts related to Android:
Really makes me consider where I’m spending time with both my small part time side projects and where even WP Daily is headed.
I suppose my internal perception needed to be clarified and it certainly has. Now, not every WordPress-business has built native applications for iOS or Android, but if you were, building them for both platforms would seem like a complete no-brainer, right?
It’s an Android world. Where do you sit?