More and more details are coming out about Google project glass (now know as just glass) and I’m excited (though less excited about the price) about the potential for Glass.
But what impact might this technology have on the blogging community. Let’s look at some features and then I’ll open the floor to you.
Not That New
Okay you don’t see people walking around with Glass like technology everyday many of the features have been around for a while…they just haven’t been widespread or included in a single device that was available for anyone (with a spare grand and a half) to buy. Headsup display, inbuilt camera, speakers, microphone, messages, gps, bluetooth…really you can find almost every option in a mobile phone.
However, as every marketer knows the same features being available doesn’t mean that putting them together brilliantly won’t make it something more than the sum of it’s parts.
With the exception of when people are driving, cooking or generally using their hands for other things voice commands aren’t that popular. Why say “Call mum” out loud when you can scroll through your phone and do it silently. Perhaps this is another part of Text messaging’s popularity. When you are out and about people can’t hear your message like they can on the phone.
Some of the leaked patents appear to show the option to some form of input by projecting an interface which can then be interacted with which might prove a way to keep privacy and provide a nicer experience to shier users.
However, as voice recognition continues to improve, it isn’t difficult to image blogging becoming more audio based. With the right app developed an audio and text version could be recorded at the same time providing different content options for your readership.
Video Blogging on the rise
Use of Videos in blogging is definitely on the rise and Glass offers the opportunity to have a camera read at any moment. ready to capture any moment that occurs. Glass may well accelerate this trend and change the focus from Text to video on blogs.
Bloggers and Blog readers
It isn’t just the process of blogging that could change with a move towards headsup displays and constant computer access of Glass but blog reading can change.
Transparent displays and location based content and bone-induction audio means that a content consumer could listen to an audio guide of the local city with pictures to guide them around or a how to guide for a DIY project that includes.
Location based
Location based technology is in effect already with search results being returned based on where you are and search returning local restaurants first (as well as GPS specific content) but if Glass pushes this further then local businesses will really have to improve their Web presence.
Augmented reality
Augmented reality raises the big questions about responsive design. If you are receiving content that is relevant to exactly where you are and what you are looking at then how will it present itself?
Will we have to look at writing in a different style or presentation format or markup language so that people can consume this content in the order the explore the content rather than the order we give them.
The Revolution?
At $1,500 for a untested new type of device will mean that it will be a while before this filters down to the majority of people or becomes the major form of content production and consumption.
What do you think? How could Glass change blogging, both producing and reading?