The Post Revisions function in WordPress is critically important for those that are doing some serious publishing with WordPress or even managing a team for WordPress as CMS in the context of business.
And many of us have had that “close” call where we had to revert back to a previous version of some content and was so thankful that the post revision feature actually existed, right?
Well, it’s getting even better in 3.6 and there have been more than a few mockups floating around for the upcoming update to the feature.
Here they are for your viewing pleasure – remember, they are just mockups and concept work at this point but who knows, some of this may make it into the actual 3.6 release.
They are in no particular order and are for context for what is being presented, please see this via Erick Hitter and this thread by Peter Westwood. Stoked:
Are you getting excited about the upcoming release? What do you think about these concepts and mockups?