Plugins, Plugins, Plugins! (in my best Steve Ballmer impression) I have tons of both new and updated plugins to share with ya’ll today in our roundup. I hope you all got your WordPress related gifts from your valentines yesterday. If not, I hope yesterday and today’s plugins will cheer you up.
Here they are:
New Plugins
- pushState – WordPress HTML5 pushState.
- Facebook – A Facebook plugin that allows visitors to like or share on Facebook! Everyone uses Facebook and so providing your Facebook visitors a method to like
- NinjaWPass – Protect WordPress against keyloggers and stolen passwords
- ML Slider – 4 sliders in 1! Choose from NivoSlider, FlexSlider, CoinSlider or Responsive Slides.
- Yelp Reviews Ticker – Yelp Reviews Ticker is an easy to use widget that allows you to show your business yelp reviews.
- Love Button – The Love Button is the only Social Sharing Plugin, which combines the data privacy of a 2-click social sharing buttons with individual settings
- phpgrid – Expose database table with shortcodes and phpgrid free.
- Movoto Mortgage Calculator – Add a free customized mortgage widget to your site. Mortgage rates update automatically daily.
- WP SMS Validation – SMS Validation Plugin
- Dizzyjam – Integrate your shop to your WordPress blog.
- Regenerate Thumbnails Reminder – Checks if your image sizes have changed or there was a new one added, if so it reminds you to go regenerate them.
- Synthesis Site Sensor – Site Sensor is a site uptime monitoring service by Synthesis WordPress Hosting. This plugin enables Site Sensor to make WordPress specific integration
- Prettify Code Syntax – Code syntax highlighter using Google Prettify, supporting the HTML5 recommendation, and caching plugins.
- Frontend Publishing – Frontend Publishing is a plugin using which your registered members can submit, edit and delete posts from the frontend.
- wpKitchen FB Album – Post photos to albums on Facebook using graph API
- Open Data Viewer for Austria – Open Data Viewer for Austria brings the full power of open data from Austria to your WordPress Site.
- Matprat – The Matprat plugin allows you to control which posts appear on the Matprat portal.
- Debugger – Code for debugging code
- Simple Announcement With Exclusion – WordPress plugin to set aside a category, and exclude it from the front page (display as widget or on a page or post with shortcode).
- FB Wallpost Widget – Widget that displays latest wall posts from a Facebook page without any hassle.
- Mobile Redirect for onemobi – This plugin will let you redirect your website to your onemobi mobile website
- GroundWork – GroundWork creates beautiful functional organization of resource materials for Professional Development or Training.
- Recipe Card – Create beautiful recipes that readers can print, save and review. Recipe Card optimizes your recipes for search engines and generates nutrition facts.
- WP-Git-Embed – Embed GitHub files.
- Nearby Map by Wabeo – Allow to build a map to show the activities, places and services around a given geographical point.
- CW Post Slugs – Set the post slug to the WordPress recommended value, even if you’ve changed your title.
- WP Mobile Edition – Is a complete toolkit to mobilize your WordPress site. It has a mobile switcher, themes, and mobile XML Sitemap Generator.
Updated Plugins
- Infusionsoft Gravity Forms Add-on – Integrate the remarkable Gravity Forms plugin with Infusionsoft.
- XML Sitemap for Stella – Generates a XML Sitemap on your WordPress multi-language website when powered by Stella multi-language plugin.
- Avatar Manager – Avatar Manager for WordPress is a sweet and simple plugin for storing avatars locally and more. Easily.
- Quick Style Editor – Test colours, backgrounds, fonts and formatting without affecting the theme files
- WooCommerce Variation Details on Page Product – Displays physical size and/or weight within meta details of product with variations.
- Gabëni – Gabeni is an easy to use backup service that backs up and restores your ENTIRE WordPress website (including uploads and database) to Gabeni server
- Barc Chat – Barc Chat provides a simple yet feature rich chat room for your whole community to interact in real-time directly on your site.
- OSE Firewall™ – OSE Firewall™ – A WordPress Firewall created by Open Source Excellence. It protects your WordPress-powered blog against attacks and hacking.