We have a couple of familiar faces on today’s roundup. The two new themes from yesterday’s roundup have already been updated. Make sure to get their updates if you installed them on your site yesterday. There’s also some new plugins as well today. One of them looks like something I have seen people ask for before, Remove More Jump. It removes the anchor tag for the more link so when someone clicks on the link, they don’t get moved down the page, but rather left at the top of the page.
Take a look at the others too!
Updated Themes
New Plugins
- ByREV WP-PICShield – Images Hotlink Protection for Your WordPress Websites; Anti-Hotlinking images/photos – Extensive Plugin for Watermark Pictures and images links redirects
- SubToMe – This publish adds a SubToMe widget to your blog and allows people to subscribe to your content in one click.
- FunCaptcha – Fun Interactive Games – Stop spammers with a fun, fast mini-game! FunCaptcha is free, and works on every desktop and mobile device.
- eewee restaurant menu – Management of restaurant menus. Composition dish of the day. Create your own dishes with ingredients, prices, etc…
- Remove More Jump – Removes the anchor from the permalinks (“read more”-links), so you don’t jump halfway down the page.
- Intro Wrapper – Wrap your intro text in a DIV element with the class “intro”
- Rapid App.Net Widget – Display posts from one or more App.net accounts using a WordPress widget.
- Personal Admin Footer – Welcome users to your dashboard with a personal ‘Thank you for visiting My Site’ in the footer
- Pushover Notifications for Jetpack – Integrates Jetpack with the Pushover Notifications for WordPress plugin.