Noel Tock, founder of Happy Tables, had a recent talk about Going Beyond WordPress that I thought was worth a view. Noel has been the center of attention for his views on such things as the homepage and also the rethinking the WordPress Admin and has a unique and fresh perspective on things.
In an interview on NetMagazine early last year Noel shares his thoughts on a better Restaurant website:
The biggest problem is also my pet peeve; a restaurant owner thinking that the ambience and décor of their restaurant should be reflected on the website, usually with no regard for standards, accessibility or most importantly, the potential clients themselves.
This will oftentimes include showing a splash screen, playing the same music as in the restaurant itself or simply having a maze of Flash content because of the ‘snazzy’ effects. In the process, some of the most important pieces of content are lost; clearly available opening times, location, food menus and so on.
With happytables, we’re changing that.
If you’re like me at all then the thought of trying to impact and revolutionize the restaurant website industry is mind-bending in difficulty but could also be one of the best revolutions ever since restaurant websites are historically terrible – trying to find a menu on many of them is impossible.
So I already like Noel, even though I’ve never met him (one day perhaps!). You can find the full talk after the jump – unfortunately the sound is pretty low and it takes about about 7.5 minutes to actually get to his talk, so feel free to fast-forward.
[via WPTV]
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