The guys over at VaultPress have been busy with two updates recently that you may want to take note of, the first being the fact that the system now alerts you of missing unique keys and salt strings in your wp-config.php file.
For the uninitiated your unique and salt keys are specifically built to help increase security of your site installation. What they do essentially is help encrypt the information stored in your visitor’s cookies.
You can actually use an auto-generator to create these as well if you self-host your blog, although a set should be auto-generated for you on install.
But if somehow your site doesn’t then VaultPress will let you know and install them for you to boot. Nice.
Finally, they are continually scanning for threats and suspicious code that might end up on your site and will notify you in the chance that you might have an issue. You can ignore these threats (not a good idea) but if you’re aware of them you can go do something else productive with your time instead of seeing them in your dash.
Great work guys and keep up the great work!
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