If you’ve been a part of the Make community then you know that most teams have regular established “office hours” where things can be discussed surrounding each WordPress.org area of focus:
Our P2 remains the primary point of communication to us, but I’m also happy to announce that we will keep regular office hours for anyone who wants to chat in real time.
You’re guaranteed to find a moderator (probably me!) if you want to chat, talk business, share concerns, learn how to contribute, etc.
As Jerry Bates shares (often known as JerrySarcastic), up until this week there hasn’t been any “official” office hours for WordPress.tv, but that prayer has been answered! They are as follows:
- Wednesdays from 16:00-19:00 UTC
- irc.freenode.net
- #wordcamp
What’s neat is that there has been a lot of momentum around WordPress.tv and the increase focus on getting volunteers to give of their time to review videos and help get a lot of the WordCamp talks up online – in fact, we’ve seen a big influx of them every week with less “downtime” between the actual WordCamp events and the publication of the actual talks publicly.
So if you want to help out and have a love for video then you should drop them a line and let them know that you wouldn’t mind reviewing videos to help get them uploaded faster!
And heck, you might learn something in the process of watching all that great content. Sounds like a win-win, right?
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