I’ve got quite a few new and updated plugins to share on this Saturday’s roundup. There is definitely a mix bag today. Everything from videos to eCommerce to maps to twitter to bbPress. There’s tons more to check out for sure!
I hope you all have a Happy Easter tomorrow and we will see you back on Monday for our regularly scheduled daily roundup.
Here’s the full list of plugins after the break.
New Plugins
- Contributors’ Posts – Contributors’ Posts is a plugin to manage posts of contributors with the same account without having to create other users.
- NinjaFirewall – A true web application firewall for WordPress.
- Bookings Engine – Bookings Engine is a dynamite Bookings Calendar that will allow sites to manage all their bookings and appointments
- YouTube Upload Widget – The YouTube Upload Widget allows you to easily add video to your WordPress blog.
Updated Plugins
- Saphali Woocommerce LITE – Adds Russian localization & special Tools
- Sell Downloads – Sell Downloads is an online store for selling downloadable files: audio, video, documents, pictures all that may be published in Internet.
- Wp-Pjax – Makes WordPress a lot faster using PJAX (PushState + AJAX) for loading content.
- Tweet Fader – Tweet Fader is a plugin for WordPress to show your latest tweets on your WordPress site.
- AssetsMinify – AssetsMinify is a WordPress plugin based on Assetic library to minify JS and CSS assets and compile sass/less stylesheets.
- Easy – Easy, but complex widget website builder.
- Boggle Woggle – Boggle Woggle helps you manage your ads (advertisements) on your blog
- What’s New Generator – This plug-in creates the latest information of your site in the page by shortcode.
- ToolPage your Landing Pages – Create unlimited Landing Pages for your OnLine Advertising. NEW: set a ToolPage as HomePage/FrontPage
- Flickr Comments – Retrieves comments from your Flickr account in a specified Time Frame and Time Interval.
- Debug Bar bbPress – Displays information about the bbPress runtime in the Debug Bar.
- Pizazz – A widget that pulls a Zazzle feed and displays products based on a query
- Responsive Styled Google Maps – The only wordpress plugin that generates responsive (mobile friendly) and already-color-styled maps, using a simple shortcode!
- Toolbar Publish Button – Get a copy of Update/Publish/etc. button to the top Toolbar! There is no longer need to scroll admin pages up and down to save posts and settings.
- Easy Watermark – Automatically adds watermark to images when they are uploaded to the WordPress Media Library.
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