Now this is probably the best news that I’ve seen all day –, an incredibly simple collaborative writing application that we covered extensively, has announced that they now have the ability to publish directly to WordPress.
Getting there is quite simple – head to your settings tab and hit the Places to Publish button. Add your credentials and you’re good to go. Adding the blog was quick and easy; no problems here!
And as you can see now I can publish directly:
Add some categories (it pulls your existing in) and some tags and you’re done.
This service is getting more and more attractive every single day!
Not only is Draft connecting to WordPress but you also have Tumblr access too. Bookmarklets for Instapaper, Evernote, Readability as well as an open sourced Chrome extension too that allows you to draft content for tons of different services:
Any webpage that you can write on, you can now use Draft with. Your blog, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, even comment boxes on websites like Reddit and Hacker News.
Just place your cursor in the box you want to write in, click the Chrome Draft extension, and Draft will open up in a new Chrome Tab.
Choose an already written document or something new to write in Draft. When you’re done, there’s a menu button to paste your work back into the text box you came from.
I’ve added it to my browser and started trying it out on Reddit. Slam dunk. I seriously can’t believe how fast these guys are iterating on their product and adding even more value. The WordPress connection is a serious functional and marketing win.
Great job.
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