Today’s WPOI is Ben Welch-Bolen, a man who wears many hats. While today’s interview is specifically about Site5, he is also the co-founder of WebPub and World Wide Web Hosting as well as the President of Bweeb Inc.
Be sure to check out his interview after the jump.
1. Who Are You And What Are Your Responsibilities With Site5? How Long Have You Been There And Where Were You Before Site5?
Hi, my name is Ben Welch-Bolen and I’m the CEO at Site5 and co-owner. My business partner and I took over Site5 from the original founders in late 2008. I’ve been in the hosting industry since 2001 and worked with a number of hosting companies over the years.
2. What Makes Site5 Different From The Other Companies Within This Crowded Market In Your Perspective?
We focus entirely on the designer developer community and providing them tools to make their lives easier. For example in our control panel, Backstage, you can setup multiple users with access to specific websites and with certain access levels.
And it allows for multiple contacts so that a designer could be a contact on a lot of different accounts and easily jump between them in Backstage. We also support a wide range of programming languages and frameworks and work to ensure you can build just about anything in our hosting environment.
3. How Have You Seen Site5 Grow And Evolve As The Web Has Evolved As Well As The Demands For Hosting?
The biggest change has been adding locations around the world, we now offer customers the choice of 18 different locations so that they can choose the hosting closest to their visitors.
Plus all the work we put in to make sure we are the best option for designer developers and helping them swear less :).
4. WordPress Is Growing Fast And Is A Go-to Solution For Many People Now Powering Over 17% Of The Top 1MM Sites. How Is Site5 Involved In This Growth?
We power over 100,000 WordPress based websites and optimize for it every step of the way. Our support team is well versed in WordPress and it’s something we use internally for a wide range of products.
We also give out free WordPress themes and plugins at
5. What Can Someone Expect To See In The Near Future For Site5? Why Should Someone Who Is Considering A Switch Jump To You Guys?
We offer free migrations to help ease the move and an incredible environment for designer developers.
We are going to be launching Unmanaged VP later this year! And we have a lot of new tools coming in the next 24 months to help make it even easier for designer devs to manage their websites and web apps.