I love the fact that people spend time to send up news and tips every single day (if not every single minute) – we spend a lot of time sifting through the tips and vetting them for value for our readers.
What I’m not happy about is all the genuinely crappy (*stronger word available here*) sites that we get pitched that have almost no value to us nor our readers nor to the human race at large.
Ok, sure, being a bit over-the-top on that last line but the point is that I’m tired of seeing copy-cat sites regurgitate failed strategies with the not-so-hidden intent of making a few bucks off unsuspecting visitors.
One of the worst offenders are the so-called “Theme Directories” that pop up nearly every single day – they are as useless and lame as your local yellow pages that gets thrown on your doorstep each month (why the heck do they still publish those things?!).
You know what I’m talking about; the WordPress-powered directory of WordPress Themes, typically “premium” WordPress themes that have affiliate programs.
The goal and process is simple:
- Launch WordPress Theme Directory
- Name it “AwesomeWordPressThemeDirectory.com”
- Completely lose all credibility with most people because you are using the term “WordPress” in your URL (which is against trademark).
- Proceed to sign up with every affiliate program known to man.
- Blog about every theme available from theme companies, adding your affiliate link in the copy.
- Proceed to market theme directory to others hoping that direct traffic and organic traffic will bring home the bacon.
- Profit.
And, if I could add #8 to the list, these people finally ping everyone they know under the sun who covers WordPress (including us) and asking them to write about the “new” and “unique” directory.
I’m sorry, I’m not buying it and I’m tired of seeing lame WordPress directories everywhere I go. Even if you do manage to come up with a funny or catchy name to your directory you’re still doing the same darn thing as the next joe-wordpress-directory-monger.
Am I being too harsh? Note, I’m not calling anyone out in particular, but the truth is that all I see these people do is attempt to make a quick buck. Period. They aren’t interested in creating value for their visitors or educating them on the pros and cons of such and such WordPress theme – they are interested in having that person click through to an affiliate page so they can capitalize on the purchase if the visitor does, in fact, walk through the purchase path.
There may be a few diamonds in the rough and so I can’t be 100% dogmatically against them (although I still generally dislike them) – so please let me know in the comments if you’re aware of a good theme directory that I should write about or cover.
Please, restore my faith in humanity.