In the words of our technical editor,
It’s true – April Fools’ day was once a pretty cool thing with clever pranks and bogus PR releases that tricked thousands. Now it’s turned into just another marketing tactic to get a few more eyeballs on a company, product, or service.
It’s overplayed, overdone, and the “genius” of it all is all but completely gone. I’m sure I will, at some point, walk through a recap or roundup of the “Best April Fool’s Jokes of 2013!!!!!!!!!!11111111111” somewhere on Mashable or another similar social media site but at this point I think I’ll just plug in my earphones, go heads-down on some work, and walk through the next 24 hours briskly.
Sure, toss a few links our way if you think they are really good, especially if they are from a WordPress-centric company – put them in the comments section if you must and yes, I’ll take a look at them.
Or, why not really entertain yourself with this clever “Easter Egg” (how appropriate because Easter Sunday was yesterday) via your own WordPress system?
The Matrix Has You
If you’ve been around awhile then you already know about this trick but try it for yourself again because it’s so freaking awesome.
Head to any old post and goto the Revisions portion of the blog post:
Then click on the newest one. Then compare the same post like this and click “Compare Revisions”:
Then you’ll be in for a sweet treat.