Time is money my friends and what is one of the biggest time sucks that we’ve all experienced? Yes, that’s right, updating plugins and WordPress themes.
Especially if you’ve been around for a while and have a long-list of clients and customers’ sites to manage, you probably spend an incredible amount of time updating their sites manually. Or, perhaps, you do have a system but it’s still not 100% automatic.
Well, maybe you’re in the market for a solution that may really suit your particular workflow and update style or at least be in the market for an alternative.
Auto Hosted, via David Chandra, might be just for you.
What is it? It’s pretty self-explanatory but I’ll let them speak for themselves:
Auto Hosted is a WordPress plugin to manage automatic updates for your plugins and themes in your WordPress powered site. With Auto Hosted Automatic Updates plugin you can provide automatic updates feature in your Self Hosted WordPress Themes and Plugins.
Probably the best thing about this is the developers out there who will be able to integrate it into their own custom solutions, for themselves or for their clients.
The simplicity of pricing ($45 one-time fee) and with unlimited use make this a very attractive buy.
[via Postatus]
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