It’s been a wild first quarter here at WP Daily and the growth has been pretty insane. I shared in a contributor newsletter earlier this week that we almost crossed the 100,000 pageview mark for a single month last month – the trend data is pretty mind-numbing to be honest.
Who would have thought that just a few months ago (December, 2012) we’d be seeing six-digit figures in terms of traffic? We didn’t even exist 6 months ago! And it’s all thanks to the growing and passionate community that we’ve got here and the great writing and contributions of our growing team of contributors (so you should seriously consider joining us, even if for the somewhat random and awkward Monday Contributor’s Newsletter…)!
As we continue to move forward into the second quarter of 2013 we’re sitting down as a team and beginning to brainstorm what the future of this blog might look like – anything from publishing strategies to contributor development to blog features and, yes, even blog design.
As I shared previously we “shipped” WP Daily out the door as quickly as possible sacrificing non-essential components for the sheer sake of moving the product forward and building momentum. It worked and now we are adjusting the speed, normalizing the editorial calendar, and find a new pace.
But back to design – as we walk through it I wanted to look back at other successful companies and how they continued to expand on their original vision and create new products, so I started researching other companies, such as Apple and their storied history of success.
I found one great infographic that I’ve poured over in the past week and I thought I’d share it here:
via Mashable
The artist, Mike Vasilev, created this infographic for Mashable and highlighted the product releases and design changes from 1976 to 2011.
It’s interesting to see how long the timeline has been and all the great products that have been created – how they’ve iterated and continued to grow. That’s what I want our design to be for our “product” here at WP Daily – an iterative approach to growing a successful editorial and news source.
I was inspired, to say the very least.
How are you taking this iterative approach to what you do, personally and professionally? Any other design inspirations that you might want to toss at us as we continue to grow? Love to hear about it! Links are awesome, so shoot them in the comments!
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