Happy Thursday everyone! I hope your week has been going swimmingly. I have a new theme and some new and update plugins to share with you today. Today’s theme Avatar is a child theme of Destro, a responsive magazine theme. It has quite a few color schemes ready for you to use. Check it out!
Here’s the full list after the jump!
New Themes
Child theme of Destro which is a Responsive WordPress magazine theme with 3 home page layouts, 300×250 ads, 125×125 ads, 8 premade (Black, Blue, Red, brown, pink, white and Green) ready to use color schemes/skins, 2 page layouts including a full width page template, featured posts, social icons, twitter updates, threaded comments and widget support.
New Plugins
- GA Universal – GA Universal is the first plugin for WordPress to implement Google Analytic’s Analytics.js tracking.
- Zakaat Calculator – A beautiful Interactive Plugin which can be used to add Zakaat Calculator in your websites sidebar.It contains all required fields for calculating annual zakaat Bank
- NiceSEO VKontakte Crossposter – Plugin for Auto crossposting your new posts to wall on your “public page” on VK.com social network. With Attached Image and link.
- Show Star Sign Widget – A sidebar widget to display a star sign – yours, or the current sign.
- WordPress DataLayer for Google Tag Manager – Activates a data layer in the source code of the WordPress instalation that cn be used with Google Tag Manager for advanced Google Analytics tracking.
- Nice Login Widget – Add, build and manage login-register widget anywhere in your site.
- Loitr Login – Loitr enables your users to login without typing their login information. More securely & easily.
- Responsive Slides – WordPress plugin of famous Responsive Slides
- Amazon Affiliate Link Globalizer – Rewrites Amazon.com/Amzn.com and forwards the visitor to ‘their’ country specific Amazon store (using IP Geolocation).
- Artiss Vine Embed – Embed Vine videos into your blog
- ThemeLoom Widgets – A set of useful widgets created for adding more fluid content to our responsive themes.
- WooCommerce Upload My File – This plugin adds the possibility to upload a file after an order is completed and attached it to that order.
- ER SourceForge Stats – ER SourceForge Stats allows you to insert SourceForge download statistics into your page using a simple shortcode.
- Scheduled Unsticky – Removes sticky flag after a adjustable period from posts
- WP Heading Buttons – Adding heading buttons (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6) to TinyMCE editor.
- Share Icons – Add share buttons to your blog, choose from Facebook like, Twitter tweet, Stumbleupon stumble, Reddit vote and others.
- Skins – Add custom CSS classes to your markup for usage in your CSS.
- What Would Bertrand Russel Say – Bertrand Russel quotes for the daily round
- WP Pubmed Reflist – This plugin uses a pubmed query to generate a reference list on a page. It provides an admin page where you can associate PubMed queries with keys and a shorttag that allows you to display a list of references based on any of your keys on a page or post.
- LiveHelpNow Help Desk — HelpOut Tab – The HelpOut Tab plugin displays help desk options to visitors in a snappy right tab that’s easy to spot and works intuitively.
- WordPress SSL – Seamlessly map URLs to SSL if the site is accessed via SSL.
- HW Feed Cleaner – If you ever had trouble with WordPress generating non-valid RSS or Atom feeds, this is the plugin for you.
Updated Plugins
- Theme Blvd WPML Bridge – This plugin adds additional WPML compatibility for Theme Blvd themes.
- SmugMug Embed – Allows users to search and embed images into posts or pages directly from their SmugMug accounts.
- Nav Menu Roles – Hide custom menu items based on user roles
- Attach Files Widget – Simple attachment widget that uses native WordPress upload thickbox to add files link widgets to your site.