Many of us do much more development than just WordPress – from iOS to Rails to .NET to ______[fill in the blank]______ you’re building apps everywhere.
As a natural consequence, many of us are using newer and newer tools that are helping us create, manage, and deploy development environments for our work – anything to speed up production and eventual launch.
Anything that’ll save time, especially with things like configuration and working in a shared environment. With things like (which was you can, with a cloud solution where you get a lightweight and centralized way to manage your team’s development environments and get straight to coding.
Oh, and you can code on multiple devices too.
Take a look at this video overview:
The point of all this is it made me wonder when we’ll start seeing more of these cloud-based solutions for WordPress, especially as it matures into a more understood application and development framework.
Will we see these types of tools even as soon as this year? Maybe even web-based IDEs, at the very least? Maybe it’s too soon to wish for something like this.