Dashboards, dashboards, dashboards!
They seem to be everywhere! Include a hint of a “status” board and you’ve got an overwhelming number of choices to simply show you “stuff” that you already know about but in a condense form.
Or perhaps it’s just me – I’m getting a little dashboard fatigue, if you know what I mean. That’s why I’m so thankful for Pär Thernström who sent us this little “panel” that he’s created for Panics new iPad app, Status Board.
This panel showcases your statistics related to your WordPress and the # of plugin downloads that you’ve got. This is obviously a great panel and addition if you’re a developer, much like Pär.
He shares more about the development and release on his announce post:
Last week Panic released Status Board for Ipad, a nice looking app that shows different kinds of data in beautiful way. Pretty much right away I knew I wanted to show the download stats for my Simple Fields plugin.
So today I made a little PHP script that fetches the downloads stats, using the API from wpapi.org (lots of thanks to @deanjrobinson for creating it!) and outputs the data in a format that Status Board understands. Very simple. But damn good looking.
See for yourself:
Installing and using it is quite simple too:
Just change the arguments to “slug” to whatever your plugins slugs are and it should show your stats instead. Oh, and by the way, the source code is now available in this gist.
Thanks buddy!