For those of you that don’t know, Hunie, is an online community ‘where creatives collaborate through constructive peer-to-peer critiques‘. Don’t feel bad if you’ve never heard of it, I hadn’t until the other day.
Hunie has no ties to WordPress directly but it was submitted to us as a potential design resource. So we thought, could WordPress benefit from something like Hunie?
I’ve got to be honest another online community for creatives to be a part of kind of makes my head hurt. Why not just get on Behance, which is already worldwide, and call it a day?
I understand that Hunie is after those who specifically want to critique and be critiqued, but this is possible on Behance as well, it’s one of the reasons it’s gotten so big.
But back to the original question, could WordPress benefit from something like Hunie? I think if we can add critiquing functionality to the already existing theme and plugin directories on both .com and .org, then perhaps designers and developers could possibly benefit.
The issue, as always with online critique, is trolling. How do you go about preventing it and is it even worth creating new functionality just so the trolls have one more place to infest? I’m not sure.
I guess what I’m getting at is, I don’t know if a WordPress centric version of something like Hunie, or Behance, is worth the effort to build. Like I said earlier, adding this functionality to the theme and plugin depositories might be a good way to try this out and see just what sort of use it gets.
I know there is already the capability to submit a review on the theme and plugin depositories, perhaps we start a movement of designers and developers critiquing other peoples work through this avenue. If it catches on who knows where it will lead.
Would you participate in critiquing others work in this way? Would you find any benefit to it?