Just wanted to toss our congratulations into the ring for Cristian Antohe and Adela Ticleanu as they are the two responsible for the very simple email newsletter service wpMail.me!
They announced in their most recent release that they crossed the 100 issue mark and are just a month away from their 2 year anniversary. Way to go guys and thanks for providing valuable content to thousands (6,300+ at the recent count) of inboxes!
In their latest Cristian said that it “puzzled” him why their service was still around and that’s easy enough to answer – it’s because it’s a valuable part of the WordPress ecosystem for sure!
Here’s hoping that you can continue on strongly to the 200th edition and into your 3rd straight year! Keep it up guys and best of luck!
If you haven’t signed up feel free to do so right here on their front homepage: wpmail.me
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