I hope you all have a great Sunday and enjoy the long weekend, for those of you in the states. These plugin authors seem to be taking advantage of the weekend and getting stuff done.
Check out all of the new and updated plugins after the jump!
New Plugins
- WP Really Simple Discovery Link Remover Removes the Really Simple Discovery (RSD) links that gets appended to the header.
- Instant Suggest Suggests SEO content and keywords for your blog instantly.
- ClassiPress SMS Payment Gateway Extends ClassiPress Payments using grinMedia.ro platform.
- Tapatalk Tapatalk for WordPress Plugin enables Tapatalk Community Reader to integrate WordPress Blogs and Forums into a single mobile app.
- Article Forge The Article Forge WP plugin provides a conducive environment for the writing and publishing of hierarchical prose.
- WP Quicktags This simply plugin adds usefull buttons to native WordPress HTML editor.
- Disable WP_DEBUG Disables PHP error output if WP_DEBUG is true. Useful for developers trying to test with other plugins and themes that generated unwanted error messages.
- Aspen Extras Supports per page themes, add-on subthemes, and theme updating for the Aspen Theme.
- Modify Lucid Navigation Tool Modify the navigation style of Lucid Theme from ElegantThemes.
- Post2Sidebar Link Widget Display text or links in widget area.
- Launch Control Quick Registration Holding Page-With a click of a button hide your website when you need to change a few things or run an upgrade, making it only acce
- Agnosia Bootstrap Carousel This plugin lets you use the gallery shortcode to show a Bootstrap Carousel.
- Activity Logs A WordPress plugin which logs and displays relevant activity within your blog or network.
- WooCommerce Chosen Variation Dropdowns Transform the variation dropdowns on your product pages to Chosen dropdowns.
Updated Plugins
- VideoStir Spokesperson Embed and adjust your own made floating clip “web spokesperson” to your website. With VideoStir you can DIY in 5 mins with a basic video.
- HTML5 Online CHAT ROOM Widget Boutique Social Chat Room plugin – FREE Trial!
- WP-Appbox
- Instant Suggest Suggests SEO content and keywords for your blog instantly.
- Pinterest Master Pinterest Master adds the follow me on pinterest, pin it button, show pinterest profile and show pinterest board to your wordpress website.
- Likehack Likehack shows content feed of links curated by you or people you follow on Facebook and Twitter (without lolcats, Instagram photos and TMI posts).
- Tapatalk Tapatalk for WordPress Plugin enables Tapatalk Community Reader to integrate WordPress Blogs and Forums into a single mobile app.
- ClassiPress SMS Payment Gateway Extends ClassiPress Payments using grinMedia.ro platform.
- wp image slideshow This wp image slideshow plugin is your regular image slideshow plugin, except each image is dropped into view.
- WP Multi File Uploader Allows a user to submit multiple files when added to a form on your WordPress site via AJAX to the WordPress media gallery.
- WP Image Size Selection Allows you to add any available image sizes to the media size selection drop down.
- Aspen Extras Supports per page themes, add-on subthemes, and theme updating for the Aspen Theme.
- WP-Spreadplugin This plugin uses the Spreadshirt API to list articles and let your customers order articles of your Spreadshirt shop using Spreadshirt order process.
- Social Stickers A simple plugin that shows the various social networks you use. Also supports themes.
- Post2Sidebar Link Widget Display text or links in widget area.
- Launch Control Quick Registration Holding Page-With a click of a button hide your website when you need to change a few things or run an upgrade, making it only acce
- Dynamic WordPress Form Builder Dynamic WordPress Form Builder enables creating web forms, providing your visitors a simple way for inserting, searching and viewing information.
- My Calendar Accessible WordPress event calendar plugin. Show events from multiple calendars on pages, in posts, or in widgets.
- StageShow StageShow adds the facility for an online Box-Office for Small Theatres/Drama Groups, records sales, validates tickets and provides sales downloads.
- Menu Image Adds a field to load the image in a menu item and displays the image inside the link in the menu before the text.