Adobe introduced Edge Reflow as a new product with their new Creative Cloud offering – its premise is to allow you an easy way to transform a Photoshop design into a responsive website by skipping the actual cutting up and coding of the PSD and instead transforming the document into code for you.
Naturally, this has some appeal to WordPress users with the possibility of easily creating custom themes for your site.
Edgexpert is a new product by François Mark that will teach you how to create WordPress themes using Adobe Edge Reflow.
Since Edge Reflow only outputs HTML and CSS, you’ll need to insert the correct PHP that WordPress needs in order to render pages and posts, and that’s where this product comes in.
François will give you all the information you need to turn your newly created Edge Reflow site into a working WordPress theme and get it installed on your site.
Right now, it appears the best way to learn more about this idea is to either reach out to François directly via email or Twitter.
If you have a design you’ve been working on but don’t know where to start in turning your design into a fully-functional WordPress theme, reach out to François and definitely try out what he has to offer.
Time will tell how well Edge Reflow really works for this kind of thing, but so far it definitely has some promise, especially if people build some other great products and ideas around it.
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