Can you imagine building an entire business around “beautiful buttons”?
Sometimes when I think about that I giggle a little. It’s not in jest at all – I love the idea of how with a great idea, decent execution, and then a consistent focus on iteration and product development.
In this case it’s a business of buttons. I’m reminded of a recent interview by Matt Medieros who said:
I love the idea of Max Foundry’s button plugin because it solves such a simple problem. Don’t have the design chops or time to code some sweet CSS buttons? Let’s see how Dave Donaldson solved this issue and built a business around it.
You can review the full interview here.
Their version 2.0 was just released which has now has a better auto-update feature included a much-requested “exclude” function so make sure to check that out.
The neat thing is simply this though: If you have a niche idea and have the gumption to pursue it there’s a good chance that the WordPress ecosystem can begin to support it. Not full-time perhaps at first, but in due time it’s quite possible to make a living off your crazy idea and WordPress.
I would counsel you to make sure it’s something that you love and that provides unique value to the marketplace, but you are (of course) able to do whatever you gosh darn want to do.
Even if it’s buttons.