Need a quick, easy way to sell downloadable products? Shop Front is a free WordPress theme that includes everything you need to get setup to sell digital downloads.
And we’re big fans of Pippin’s work, especially Easy Digital Downloads!
Shop Front is a simple, free, and highly extensible theme to help you get a store setup for digital downloads. It’s responsive and lightweight, and includes only the features you need to get things up and running.
There are already quite a few plugins available to extend the functionality, and the theme can even function as a normal WordPress blog without the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. So, if you just love the simplicity of the theme, install it on your blog! Shop Front also includes a child theme for easy theme updates and modifications.
The fluidity and responsiveness of the theme is great, allowing your store to function well on large screens as well as mobile devices with small screens.
In today’s web, that’s a big plus, allowing customers to connect to your store and purchase items from anywhere. You can even preview changes to your site in real-time, using the Theme Customizer.
The plugins that are available allow for even more customization. There are several paid and several free plugins to add many different features to your site.
There are plugins for different typography, colors, and other cosmetic customizations, as well as plugins for “My Account” and other common e-commerce store features.
If you have some downloadable products you’ve been thinking about trying to sell, but you weren’t sure how, check out Shop Front to get your store up and running quickly and easily, and let us know how the experience goes!
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