A couple of weeks ago, we detailed a workshop that I’ll be hosting starting this Thursday in which I’ll be covering everything you need to know in order to build WordPress plugins.
Specifically, the course is going to cover the following topics:
- Setting up a local development environment
- Planning the plugin
- Developing the plugin
- And preparing the plugin for release
We’ll also be covering things like object-oriented programming techniques, the WordPress Coding Standards, and more.
With the event starting this Thursday, Envato – one of our partners – has offered an exclusive deal to WP Daily readers: 25% off the course price!
The Discount Details
Here’s the thing: This is more or less a flash sale – or a flash contest, if you will – we have until Wednesday at 9:00pm EST to finisht he contest.
Simply follow the giveaway instructions below:
- Tweet the following message: “Can’t wait to write #wordpress plugin! @wptuts and @wpdailyco are giving 25% off: https://torquemag.io/workshop-plugin-discount/”
- Leave a comment on this blog explaining why the course is beneficial to you, and a link to your tweet.
We have 20 coupons so first come, first serve.
Any More Info?
For those who are curious, here’s an exclusive chat between John and me about the course and what you can expect:
Enough watching – enter the contest! Go go go….!