WordPress 3.5 was released 5 months ago on January 24, 2013 and today the WordPress download counter crossed the 20 million downloads mark, which comes to approximately 130 thousand downloads each day.
I can only gues why some WordPress versions are more successful then others, but i know that only 4 WordPress versions passed the 20 millions downloads mark – WordPress 3.4 did it in just 115 days, WordPress 3.0 did it in 131 days, WordPress 3.5 in 153 days and WordPress 3.3 in 171 days.
Seems like Version 3.5 become the third most popular version ever.
Out of 20 million downloads, the English (en_US) language was the most popular language with 11.6 million downloads (58%), followed by the Chinese (zh_CN) language with 2 million downloads (10%).
The third most download language is Russian (ru_RU) with 1.1 million downloads (5.5%), French (fr_FR) is the the fourth most popular language with 715 thousand downloads (3.6%) the Spanish (es_ES) closes the list with 700 thousand downloads (3.5%).
In the meanwhile, the worldwide WordPress sites counter has passed the 65 million mark! 10 years after the initial release of this great blogging platform.
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