Unless you’ve happened to be living under a really large rock then you’re aware of all the craziness that’s happening around the NSA, Edward Snowden, and all the technology companies that are coming under fire for either contributing to breaches of privacy or being actively investigated.
To be quite honest, it’s a little much for me. In principle I’m against anything that gives the government a tyrannical position with our private lives and information. Sounds unconstitutional at the very least. In regards to Snowden I’m mixed. I understand why some call him a hero while others call him a traitor. He broke some laws but so that he could reveal others that are breaking the law.
Too much, too much.
In any case, if you hadn’t figured this out, in terms of media publishing WordPress is your best bet to creating content and managing your site without oversight or control or being a part of the much larger PRISM vacuum.
Via Prism-Break, you can see some other open source alternatives to many popular services which allows you to opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program:
Stop reporting your online activities to the American government with these free alternatives to proprietary software.
It’s good to know that WordPress is just one awesome way to do it.
Have any passionate thoughts about PRISM and the on-going snafu that is the NSA?