WideArea is a super-simple and very lightweight JavaScript and CSS library that simply creates a writing space for you.
Sure, it’s not WordPress and it doesn’t do really much of anything beyond creating a space to type (not even a native export) – but there’s something beautiful in it’s simplicity, right?
Published under the MIT license you can do whatever you’d like with it. There are plans for auto-saving, which would be nice.
But the point of bringing this up is that the fact that there was something really refreshing with just a simple and blank writing interface. Two options for viewing, small and full-screen as well as backgrounds:
There is elegance in simplicity and I miss it at times when I come to the WordPress dashboard. For example, this is what I’m staring at right now:
Eww, right?
Sure, I could do this:
And the full-screen option is not that bad (and it gets close as things fade away – but you must return at some point to the grossness!) but again, there’s just something refreshing about seeing another implementation.
A clean drafting board is all I ask. I think we’re getting closer and closer each release.
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