If you’re in need of a new look for the second half of this year to up your personal brand or to redo your digital image and content then perhaps you need look no farther than the new WP.com theme Profile!
It was released just the other day and it’s honestly a sweet looking theme that highlights you, the author of all that amazing content that you pump out daily.
Check it out:
It’s got everything you’d come to expect in a great theme on WP.com but it’ll set you back $69 – but that might be worth the upgrade and price for your current site:
Profile is the latest premium theme by Organic Themes and is designed to be a hub for everything about you. It’s the perfect solution for an online resume, portfolio, or professional presence. Profile sports a unique header design, social media links, a front page slideshow, full-width header image, and responsive layout.
Probably the nicest thing that I like about this theme is the responsive view which highlights your big mug and then your social networking links for your visitors to click:
Not bad, not bad at all.
Check it out if you’ve got a sec.
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