Punctuation really does matter. It could have read, “Grunt for WordPress” and I’m sure many of you are giving your best guttural grunt at your desk as you freak your coworkers out, or it could have been read (as I did) “Grunt, for WordPress” which means that there is something called “Grunt.”
Or if you’re like me then perhaps you’re thinking of the World of Warcraft “grunt” that is often a character available in that game and mythology. Perhaps I’m the only one (that wouldn’t be a surprise).
Well, it’s not my grunt – it’s a scripting tool:
Grunt is a scripting tool that helps automate certain development tasks using JavaScript. It runs on top of Node in your local environment, and can handle just about any task you can imagine – from linting your scripts to minfying your stylesheets to running unit tests. A few months ago, at our first summit, our entire team had the chance to play with Grunt. As a result, most of us are incorporating it into our regular workflow.
The guys over at 10up built it and it comes with 10 templates, one for plugins and one for themes:
You can get them both for free from their GitHub page (Plugin here, Theme here).
You may find it useful to speed up some of your development.
For plugin use:
If you’re building a plugin, you will start out with the core plugin file, the basic WordPress.org readme standard, and a basic directory structure for all of your PHP, CSS, JS, and image assets. The template also configures your plugin textdomain and registers a few useful constants and core functions.
For theme use:
If you’re building a theme, you start out with several basic theme files: index.php, functions.php, style.css, etc. The template include an a placeholder screenshot and queues up your initial theme textdomain for internationalization. Other goodies include a custom humans.txt file for your project, pre-inserted into your theme’s header, so you can give your team credit for their contributions.
Thanks guys! Great stuff.