Oh yes, and before we start CNN, please use a CAPITAL “P” on WordPress (see featured image)!
A few things of note with this interview:
1. More Mobile
In the next 5 years more users will be coming from touch devices (mobile). This is the big “duh” moment and will definitely come before the 10 years that the correspondent asked.
2. On Tumblr and Yahoo!
Doesn’t believe there will be a backlash. Yahoo! needed a social network and the only criticism that Matt has is that Tumblr sold too cheap:
People get passionate about their blogs in a way that they don’t get passionate about their Twitter profile or Facebook Profile. You’re a digital sharecropper.
It’s true. I’m passionate about my own property 1,000 times more than my Twitter profile page. If the former were to be lost I’d be heartbroken. The latter? Meh.
3. On Acquisition
Mullenweg says that they will always be a part of the open and independent web. They have no intention on being acquired, but if they did, Matt would want to run the acquiring company so that he could experience managing 30,000 people instead of 300 or 3,000. Most acquisitions aren’t good from a creative control perspective.
4. On Failures
Mullenweg shares that the mobile apps “aren’t where they should be” – and I agree. Although we just saw the release of 3.6 for iPhone it’s still not even close to some of the more famous and well-used mobile apps on our devices. I personally will not use it in it’s present form – it’s just not streamlined yet.
I don’t see this as a failure though but more as an ever-growing opportunity, one that I know WordPress as a community will engage with. They must.
Full interview here:
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