Happy #humpday everyone! Has your week been productive? Mine sure has and so has the authors of these new and updated plugins.
Check them out after the jump!
New Plugins
- Json Rest Api JSON-based REST API for WordPress, developed as part of GSoC 2013.
- WP Revisions Control Control how many revisions are stored for each post type.
- WP Kontaktformular An really simple contact form plugin. Just type [contact] to use it. There are no options at all
- View Template Widget for Toolset Views Allows you to add a Widget that displays a View Template from Toolset Views
- User Series This is a very simple extension I wrote for Organize Series to add some access control to series.
- Cart66 Cloud :: Ecommerce with security Cart66 Cloud gives you everything you need for a secure and PCI compliant store including recurring billing. You don’t even need an SSL cert.
- Genesis Prose Extras Additions for the Prose Child Theme for Genesis
- Framework: Widgetized Homepage, layouts, menu positions, translation loading, plus various helpers.
- Spotify Master Spotify Master allows you to display in your wordpress website musics, playlists and albums of the cool and “booming” music network Spotify.
- Google Trends Shortcode This plugin embeds a Google Trends graph to display using a shortcode.
- Private Community For BP Lite Makes BP pages private and only accessable to logged in users with the exception of the pages you set.
- Red Button Adds css for a red button that matches the default blue button of WordPress 3.5.
- Persian Fonts change your website fonts by enabling this plugin. (@font-face)
- Mindbreeze InSite Replace the standard WordPress search with your Mindbreeze InSite search.
Updated Plugins
- WP Flip Image Free Easily Create Cool Photo Galleries! One Click on the Image and It Flips Right around to reveal the Text and link That You Want Your Visitors to See!
- Popular Posts Tabbed Widget for Jetpack Shows a tabbed widget for most popular, most commented and latest blog posts. Most popular posts tab uses data from Jetpack Stats module.
- Developer Mode Limit access to the WordPress admin panel for your clients. Block functionality like updating plugins and viewing menu items for administrators, while
- Cursor This is a plugin which replaces the standard cursor of your OS with an Cursor of your choise. Just install and replace the .cur files. Much fun 🙂 .
- WP Slug Translate WP Slug Translate can translate the post slug into English. It will take the post ID as slug when translation failure.
- ManageWP Worker ManageWP Worker plugin allows you to remotely manage your WordPress sites from one dashboard.
- RTL Tester Test your themes and plugins in RTL mode.
- Related Posts This WordPress plugin provides multiple options to show the via tags related posts of a post (for example via a sidebar widget).
- Webmaster User Role Adds a Webmaster user role between Administrator and Editor. By default this user is the same as Administrator, without the capability to manage plug
- Twitget A simple widget that shows your recent tweets with fully customizable HTML output and Twitter API 1.1 support.
- Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget Shows the latest tweets from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget. Twitter API 1.1 ready.
- WP Kontaktformular An really simple contact form plugin. Just type [contact] to use it. There are no options at all
- View Template Widget for Toolset Views Allows you to add a Widget that displays a View Template from Toolset Views
- ContactUs.com Contact Form Plugin ContactUs.com offers an end-to-end contact form system for websites to capture and manage inquiries.
- Awesome Filterable Portfolio Awesome Filterable Portfolio lets you create a very modern and outstanding portfolio
- LDD Business Directory Creates a business directory with a simple shortcode. Businesses can provide contact information, logos, documents, and web promotions. Easy backend m
- Content Aware Sidebars Create and display sidebars according to the content being viewed.
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