We covered WPSessions previously and it seems like it’s gotten a great start so far with already one in the bag on WordPress plugins. Coming up is another great opportunity to learn and this time it’s with a great crew as well who kinda-sorta know what they are doing when it comes to building a WP-business:
Join Chris Lema, Cory Miller, & Carl Hancock for a deep and informative look at how to build your business around WordPress. Learn how to take the plunge and start your startup, then grow it into a healthy team. The session will conclude with an open panel discussion featuring all three presenters.
No, I’m just kidding – these three definitely know what it takes to grow a WordPress business and get it off the ground and it’s happening in 10 days:
For the miserly cost of just $25 you will get some serious wisdom from these three in their workshop, so make sure to check it out and sign-up if you’ve got some time.
Chris Lema shared some of his own thoughts on his blog about how he’s looking forward to it and how he hopes to really challenge others to be successful, because building a successful business is really freakin’ hard:
Building a business can feel like an impossible task, and building a successful business can feel even harder. But that’s because you’re looking at the end state, the final results. Instead you want to think about it differently, so that you’re not immobilized.
You build a successful business by doing one thing, the main thing, bit by bit, every single day, with tremendous focus and effort. Discipline is something we don’t talk about enough, but it’s critical.
Looking forward to hearing the results of the great event!
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