Recently on WP Think Tank, Matt Mullenweg addressed the growing prevalence of WordPress as a preferred platform for universities. A clear example of this trend has been illustrated in a recent news article from Penn State University. With a headline reading “WordPress-powered Sites at Penn State to replace Blogs service in spring,” the influence and universality of WordPress has again been illustrated.
The post addresses the user-friendly interface, and the vast selection of themes, as 2 of the contributing factors for the switch. Additionally, the popularity of WordPress as a platform is another reason for the change.
Penn State has started phasing out their current blog system, and will continue to do so until May 12. Then, starting May 12, the WordPress-powered sites will be fully implemented, and their current system will no longer be available. There will be an initial option to continue to function on the old blog system—The Blogs at Penn State—but on August 18 it will no longer be optional.
Current blog users will be given insight on how to transition their sites as the date draws closer. You can check out the new WordPress-powered sites at Sites at Penn State.
Do you think we’ll begin to see more WordPress-powered sites at universities?