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Show notes:
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is the author of WordPress For Dummies, which is a compilation of her knowledge from working with WordPress since 2003. Lisa is also a co-owner of WebDevStudios, as well as a mainstay public speaker on: WordPress, blogging, design, and social media.
You can find Lisa on Twitter @LisaSabinWilson!
Sippin’ on
Brad – 12-year-old Scotch
Dre – 12-year-old Scotch
Lisa – 12- year-old Scotch
Pressing topics
Drew Jaynes will be the lead on WordPress 4.2
10up engineer, Drew Jaynes, is going to lead development on WordPress 4.2.
A look at helping out the community to preemptively spot signs of depression before they become a problem.
Calling Out People in the WordPress Community
Some recent negative SEO attacks took Ryan Sullivan’s site offline.
Upcoming events
PressNomics III – January 22-24
PrestigeConf – February 27-28
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