Have a news tip or upcoming WordPress event you’d like to share, write us at [email protected].
News Highlights:
GoDaddy acquires Elto: Elto, a marketplace for WordPress devs, has joined GoDaddy to work on something new. Sounds interesting.
WP Revision List: A new plugin for easily seeing previous versions of a WordPress post or page. Like version control for your blog.
FBI warns of WordPress attacks: The FBI issued a warning about ISIS (or ISIS sympathetic hackers) using WP plugin vulnerabilities to hack sites.
More secure passwords: Wordfence announced a new plugin that allows admins to verify that all their users are using secure passwords. At this time, the new service is only offered to existing Wordfence users.
Travelogue update: A great looking WP theme for travel writers.
What you can learn from Game Of Thrones: Spoiler free! What we can all learn about loyalty and brand advocacy.
Upcoming WordPress Events:
April 14th- Big Media WordPress Meetup (San Francisco)
April 20th- Help Desk (Nashville)
April 25th-26th- WordCamp Minneapolis
This week’s GIF Of The Week(tm) comes to us from Emma Zwirko from WP Engine:
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