Have a news tip or upcoming event you’d like to see in our This Week In WordPress roundup, write us at [email protected].
News Highlights:
Adding Google Maps to WordPress: Tom McFarlin is doing a highly in-depth guide to using the Google Maps API in your WordPress site.
WP Pro Business Raising Funds on IndieGoGo: Adam Warner is running a campaign to bring back his tutorial site focused on helping small businesses enhance and market their businesses using WordPress and related services.
Proposed Improvements to the Customizer for WordPress 4.3: With development for WordPress 4.3 well under way, this post takes a look at four proposed changes to the Customizer.
15 WordPress Hacks You Can Do Without Plugins: It’s really more of a list of code snippets, but there are some cool ones, nonetheless. Replace the login logo with your own, remove the “password hints” display, etc.
Building a Mobile App with WordPress: A great article by Josh Pollock on using WordPress to power your mobile app.
Upcoming WordPress Events:
June 26-28th: WordCamp Europe
July 4-5th: WordCamp Montreal
July 17-18th: WordCamp Columbus
July 18th: WordCamp Scranton
July 18-19th: WordCamp Boston
July 24-26th: WordCamp Milwaukee
July 24-26th: WordCamp Asheville
July 25-26th: WordCamp Kansai
This week’s GIF Of The Week(tm):
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