Have a news tip or an upcoming event you’d like to see in our weekly ‘What’s New In WordPress’ roundup? Write us at [email protected].
How Not To Communicate Grievances With WordPress: To keep WordPress working as well as it does, it is important to talk openly about any problems you have with the CMS or the community. However, there is a right and wrong way to bring these issues up.
Keeping Sight Of The Problem: Improving WordPress One Solution At A Time: Like anything, WordPress can be overwhelming. Here are some tips on how to break a big problem into smaller ones.
You Can Now License Your WordPress Plugin/Theme In Creative Commons: Finally after months, Creative Commons is compatible with GPLv3. This will make finding images easier.
How Non-Developers Can Contribute To And Influence WordPress Core Development: Just because you aren’t a developer and doesn’t mean you can’t contribute. Here are some tips and tricks to begin contributing.
How WordPress Is Contributing To The eCommerce Industry: WordPress is making it easier to buy and sell things online.
Organizing A WordCamp, Lessons Learned After Two Years: See what it’s really like for WordCamp organizers.
Upcoming WordPress Events:
- Nov. 13-15: WordCamp Orlando
- Nov. 14: WordCamp Berlin
- Dec. 4-6: WordCamp US
GIF of the week(tm):
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