Following the release of WordPress 4.5 “Coleman” last week, development on 4.6 will begin Wednesday. Domink Shilling, who will lead the release for 4.6, opened up suggestions for wish list items. Shilling asked a number of questions including what are your biggest pain points, what do you see as the most important UX to be solved, and which existing feature should get a version 2.
The announcement has already garnered over 200 comments. Brian Krogsgard, editor of Post Status, made a few suggestions including custom post statuses and native multi-author support.
A lot of people wanted to see changes to the plugin and theme editor. Jason Cosper, developer at WP Engine, suggested making it easier to use. Jon Brown, partner at 9seeds, suggested removing it from core.
The official discussion begins Wednesday at 1:00 PDT. If you have any suggestions, big or small, head over to the announcement and leave a comment or join the conversation.
Editor’s note: After publishing this article, Shilling announced Garth Mortensen will be his deputy for the 4.6 release. Mortensen will be right by Shilling’s side, answering pings.
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