Last week, it was announced that Modern Tribe will sponsor WPCampus.
“Modern Tribe has been an active supporter of the WPCampus community and we are proud to have them as one of our Vice-President sponsors for this year’s conference,” the announcement said.
But that isn’t the beginning of the company’s involvement in higher education. CEO of Modern Tribe, Shane Pearlman talked to Torque about higher education and WordPress.
“Any time we have the opportunity to engage with bright people solving similar problems to the ones we consistently run into, it catches our attention,” Pearlman said. “Out of that community a number of people, including myself, have contributed actively to the development of the conference, the podcast and the website. The money is simply formalizing a cause and community we deeply stand behind.”
This Winter, Pearlman attended Higher Ed Web in New Orleans and saw that there was some discussion of WordPress, but there could be more. From there, he wanted to connect with people involved in both higher education and WordPress.
“From major redesigns to creative campaigns and new approaches to software, there is real innovation happening on campus,” Pearlman said. “At Modern Tribe, we’ve had the opportunity to work hand in hand with MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Columbia among others in the last two years and are totally passionate and immersed in the challenges they face.”
Pairing with Rachel Carden and WPCampus seemed like a logical step to further the conversation.
To get a better idea of the state of WordPress in higher education, Modern Tribe created a survey in conjunction with Pantheon and WP Engine. The survey was created to find out how schools and campuses use WordPress and website management in general.
Participants will receive a complete version of the data set and will be entered to win free tickets to WPCampus. You’ll also get a $5 Amazon or Starbucks gift card just for filling it out.
Tickets are still on sale for WPCampus and if you can’t attend, get involved through the contact page.
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