Doc’s WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you.
Doc Pop’s News Drop
Keep yourself warm by the WordCampfire and listen to our WordPress horror stories.
Love WordPress news? Welcome to a spooky edition Doc Pop’s News Drop.
This week we are sharing web developer horror stories
No werewolves or zombies here, these stories could send chills down any WordPressers spine. The sun is setting, the WordCampers are getting tired, so keep warmed by your monitor and listen to my spooky tales.
Picture this, a man sitting alone at his desk working on a project he was assigned months ago. He’s missed family dinners and piano recitals to get it finished. Finally, he rolls away from his computer, proud of the work he’s done. But then, the phone rings. The client’s name flashes on the small screen. Excited, he answers the phone ready to deliver the news of his triumph. Before he can get a word out he hears the most horrible five words any freelancer can hear, “We’ll pay you in exposure.”
Oof that one was pretty scary, hope everyone out there is doing okay.
Another freelancer toils away on a project late at night. She emails the client her finished project as she shuts down her computer for the night. Suddenly her cell phone rings in horror she sees the Caller ID and drops the phone. The call is coming from inside the house! She answers to hear her mother-in-law say “Can we make the logo bigger?”
Wow, that one gave me chills, but our last one is the scariest yet…..
Imagine if you will, a woman working on a design project. She sends her changes to the client. Soon she gets a notification, someone has been added to the email. “Oh no problem,” she thought. Throughout the following days and months the email began to grow. More and more people were added to the email list bringing their special suggestions. “Can you make the red less red?” “Does the white background have to be so bright?” And if you listen closely, you can still hear the sounds of her inbox dinging with feedback from more employees she doesn’t know.
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